One of the things that we’ve realized over the years is that consistent pain points come up in the area of reporting and accounting. It takes effort and resources to set aside several days at the last week of the month to complete this task. Brokerages of all sizes have this one thing in common.
As our partner in streamlining operations for real-estate brokerages all over the country, we’ve outlined the top features that you can add to your sales pitch while maintaining the key message that Zipi completes Dotloop.
One more thing we can do in our pajamas.
Take the first step to become the Netflix in the Netflix/Blockbuster equation.
The industry is evolving.
The choice comes all down to the business identity.
80 percent of customers leave after one poor customer service experience.
Will the fall market cool off?
Stand out in a competitive market.
We're talking about Apple Pay, right?
Better support your agents.
There’s one place we know where to find the buying generation: social media.
Not all real estate back office and accounting systems are created equal.
Are you doing what it takes?
Is the investment worth it?
Brokers, tech innovators, and association and MLS executives all agreed that Zipi is the modern, cloud-based operating system designed for the future of real estate.
You can't just be an organizations that "plays" diversity.
Let's start by explaining blockchain technology.
A Zill-pocalypse, perhaps?
We’re the first point of access (in a line of many!) for homeownership.
The pandemic caused emerging tech to roll out faster than previously planned.
We need 7.2 million MORE affordable homes in the country to meet the demand.
Damn millennials.
Zoom fatigue, anyone?
The average retained company dollar fell to just 14.8 percent in 2017.
Some of the most important topics have nothing to do with selling houses.
The cloud… It's mysterious and intimidating to some.
Brokers need to retain their agents.
Where does the industry stand right now?
If you’re struggling to find the right list for your client, there’s an avenue that you may want to explore: new construction.
There is more to life than the commission split.
80% of new agents leave the industry in the first two years, ouch.
These partnerships put the power in your hands to do more with less.
AI can offer plenty of value to your business.
If there’s one characteristic that you look for in an employee or team member, what is it?
Change is hard.
Want in on the secret of hiring top agents? It all comes down to the hiring process. Click to read key hiring tips that any broker can follow to make sure the right people are hired.
There's a projected 4.5 billion people on social media by 2025.
It's no longer just about the commission split.
76 all cash offers? The spring buying market isn't dying down anytime soon.
Zipi has made T3 Sixty's Prestigious Tech 500 List in several categories for the second year in a row.
It's hard to keep up with the ever-evolving world around us.
Zipi recently partnered with Google to offer brokerages like yours accessible views of your data. With Google Data Studio, you have the power to view real-time insights from your Zipi data combined with other data sources such as Dotloop and SkySlope.
Goal setting actually restructures brain cells so that you and your team are largely more successful.
Before you jump into starting your own brokerage, consider these three things first.
The real question is how to you generate a quality lead online?
If you woke up on January 1st, 2021 screaming “New year, new me!” you're not alone.
2020 brought us a lot of ups and downs (to say the least).
As a broker, it’s important for you to have in-depth understanding of how commissions work. So much depends on it - your business longevity, your agent happiness, sales success and more.
Improving your overall sales performance for agents is a constant challenge. This why many attend sales training sessions, coaching, and seminars looking for the one or two key innovations to make an impact on their overall yearly commissions.
Improve communication, creativity and conflict resolution.
How do you know it's time to buy?
Just like any industry, real estate brokerages face the same dilemma — how to find the best talent.
Let’s face it, a lot of us hate change. However, adopting a back office application because it’s “familiar and safe” is flat out, a mistake.
As a broker, it’s important for you to have in-depth understanding of how commissions work. So much depends on it - your business longevity, your agent happiness, sales success and more.Commission structures can be very complex, making it a less transparent part of ...
One of a kind integration helps real estate agents dramatically increase operation efficiency and gain robust business insights.Zipi has launched a seamless integration with dotloop®, the leading online transaction and productivity optimization platform for simplifying the ...
For many agents, the commission they get, is the right commission. They don’t check or calculate anything.They’ll go out and do all the hard work. Their broker will provide support where needed. Once the deal is done and the house is sold, all that needs to happen is for the ...
In today’s data-driven world, numbers are everything; they showcase our previous actions and indicate our future ones.Think about how much data is gathered in the services we use on a day to day basis. Just by observing our search habits, Amazon is able to ...
Dotloop is one of the most popular and powerful real estate transaction management systems on the market today. With well over 300,000 users, dotloop helps agents streamline and organize their transactions, all in one place. But what about the rest of your business? What dotloop ...
Most of us, if not all, have a dream or vision that we hope will come true one day. Small or big, personal or business related, for many agents these desires and hopes are often unattainable without the dedication and hard work. However, there is a way to make achieving your dream ...
Every broker or real estate team leader wants their performance to grow. While a team of top performers can easily improve performance month to month, without proper goals, most teams will struggle to make positive change on a consistent basis. As for setting team goals ...
Marketing gives an important boost to your agent activity, creating opportunities for new listings and buyers.Calculating the ROI on your marketing is then crucial, as it can guide you on where your marketing efforts are most efficient and where they can be improved. To calculate ...
For many brokers and team leaders, holding agents accountable is one of the most common difficulties. It can be a struggle to get your team to stick to set goals, do the work set out to achieve targets, and ultimately perform.The consequences for this is that it makes doing ...
Improving your overall sales performance for agents is a constant challenge. This why many attend sales training sessions, coaching, and seminars looking for the one or two key innovations to make an impact on their overall yearly commissions. However, there is one way to ...
For many principles and high performing brokers, driving the performance of your business can only be improved when you can measure the impact of actions taken towards achieving your business plan.Peter Drucker is credited with saying, “If you can't measure it ...
For many agents, maintaining an accurate pipeline is easily understood but not easily kept front of mind. Administration is often seen as an unnecessary distraction from profit-generating activities like cold calling and showings. However, maintaining an accurate pipeline is essential.
The general purpose of a leaderboard is to show a group of “players” how well they are doing. Often used in gamification systems, individuals are able to see who is in the lead, to compare scores, and in effect checking out their own “ranking.” A leaderboard should broadcast ...
Gamification is the use of game mechanics to other areas, such as a sales environment, to improve motivation and performance. The use of gamification is becoming increasingly popular in the business world, and has found its way to real estate sales and motivating ...
As a real estate agent, you encounter a lot of disappointment and you’re turned away many times. Even the most thick-skinned agents will have their down days -- they’ll feel down, empty, spent, or just downright tired from always having to push. Always having to be the ...
KPI dashboards are a great way for business owners, managers and employees to get a snapshot of company performance, indicating where improvements can be made. We’re all for continuous improvement, so let’s find out more. Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) ...
Looking to drive your business forward and create a high performing team? Then you will need to set objectives for your company known as Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). But why use KPIs? Here are 3 reasons why you need to use KPIs for your agents. Key Performance ...
Ok, so you know you need to set goals for your business. But now you may be wondering, how do you set your goals? Firstly, there are two types of goals. Defined goals and undefined goals. What’s the difference? Undefined goals can lead you down the garden path and ...
Approximately 80% of real estate agents fail in the first year. Even after that, the odds don’t improve much. While no magic solution exists to the question of why most real estate agents fail, here are four common pitfalls to avoid in order to set your team in the best position ...
Life in the twenty-first century means constant access to information of all types--from the world at large, your community, your health, all the way down to the nitty-gritty details of your business. It’s a good thing, of course, but can easily lead to a person feeling overwhelmed ...
There is no “one size fits all” metric when it comes to gauging the health of your business. Tracking different aspects is the only way to get an overall picture of how well you’re doing. Read on for tips on making sure you are getting the clearest picture of your performance. You ...
Both simple and complex commission calculations are easy to get wrong. Brokers are usually honest, but they’re also human--and mistakes do happen. Before you look at your latest commission check and feel like your broker is trying to short you, it’s worth learning more about ...
Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) allow companies to improve. By setting out specific targets and developing the criteria that measure how well you are actually reaching those targets, KPIs are critical in revealing true performance. Also, by illuminating where you may be ...
Do you dread the end of the month because it’s reporting time? If you have to set aside hours and hours (or even days) each month to complete this task, there’s a better way to handle it--no matter how big your business is. The volume of properties you handle has nothing to do ...
Production is the lifeblood of a real estate business. Without production, you can’t even start thinking about profit, expanding your business or scaling operations. No wonder most professionals will want to increase production. But increasing production is also one of the most ...
As a real estate professional, you run your own business. So you need to take care of planning, accounting, marketing, sales,.... Everything!To tie this all together, you want to have a solid business plan. A plan that you can easily and quickly set up, and develop further as your business ...
If you don’t keep track of your real estate business, you don’t know when things aren’t going right - except maybe by looking at your bank account at the end of every month. Key performance indicators (KPIs) are how the majority of modern real estate brokerages keep track of ...
Lead generation is the backbone of the marketing and sales strategy of any real estate business. Your business needs a steady flow of leads. That way, when you and your team sit down to make call or send out emails, you’ll have a steady supply of names and don’t get ...
For any business, it’s absolutely crucial to have a clear vision, backed up with strong values that truly resonate with you. This will help you keep moving in the right direction at all times, even if you’re not exactly sure what to do next. It’ll also make your work more meaningful ...
“Corporate culture is the only sustainable competitive advantage that is completely within the control of the entrepreneur. Develop a strong corporate culture first and foremost.”-David Cummings, Co-founder of Pardot. Every business has a culture - it’s not something you choose to ...
A lot of real estate businesses are booming at the moment. We see teams whose production has been growing every month for the past year, and they show no signs of stopping!If this is your team, you might be wondering what to do next. If everything is going well, what ...
Real estate professionals all run a business - even if you ‘officially’ work for a broker, it’s important that you behave and think like you’re running your own business.And as a business owner, you need to make sure your business thrives. When you get certified as a real estate agent ...
When it comes to collecting data about your business, the big question is ‘why?’.Why is it important to collect data? Aren’t we in the business of selling houses?Should you really prioritize tracking business metrics over other things, like following up with leads or helping out ...
Dealing with listings, recording payment, tracking sales, commissions… as a real estate broker your job reaches far beyond matching a for-sale property to a buyer. There are many things you need to monitor and decide on - business, agents, marketing and so on. For many ...
Do you feel like you haven’t quite hit your business targets over the past year? It’s common for brokers to feel like they haven’t been doing well enough - like they haven’t achieved their targets. But often that’s just a feeling. The real questions are: 1. Has my business grown enough ..
You might think agents will always maximise their commission -- after all it’s their commission and it’s in their interest to be paid as much as possible for their work. And it’s true, agents are responsible for their own commission. But, that doesn’t mean you ...
Agents commonly use checklists when they’re listing new properties helping a client secure a deal. It makes sense -- it’s much less likely they’ll forget anything and clear up headspace for interacting with everyone involved in the sale. Brokers generally don’t ...
When you’ve just hired a new real estate agent, it’s important to make them feel right at home at your brokerage. Take the first few weeks and show the new hire why you’re a great company to work for -- in a competitive labor market, you need to work harder to make sure ...
Once your agent has a buyer and a seller agree on a deal, it’s important to close it as soon as possible. Real estate transactions often lead to quite a bit of stress for buyers and sellers.Think about it, most people don’t sell or buy houses every week so this is probably ...
Commissions are the lifeblood of any real estate company. And yet, it happens so often that brokers and managers don’t have a good idea of how much is coming in and who generates the commission. When deciding on your commission structure, you should ...
Great agents are often hard to come by and you might spend more time recruiting than you really want. To minimize resources lost on recruiting, it’s best to take a strategic approach. First, you’ll need to be crystal clear about the type of agent you’re looking for. Then ...